
That Will Learn Me

I'm almost in the picture... OK. I finally, completely and utterly understand Paleo. Tuesday marked a special day for me,…

12 years ago

Super Crispy Games Edition

What a performance. I know most of you were not streaming the games to multiple TV’s like us, but if…

12 years ago

Happy July 4th!

If you’re a dually like I am then you can’t celebrate one and not the other.  Today was the Red,…

12 years ago

It’s a TRAP!!!

No, not the Family Guy remake of Return of the Jedi, but becoming so focused on a single objective (or…

12 years ago

Happy Canada Day!!

Happy 146th Birthday Canada! Gotta love the Great White North and in honor of our home, it was off to…

12 years ago

Son of a Smolov

Ok, the Smolov guy is a jerk. As I said it’s a 13-week cycle designed to increase your strength in…

12 years ago

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